Shared mobility right on the doorstep

allride supports the realisation of mobility concepts and the achievement of CO2 targets. The multimodal shared offer not only fulfils building specifications and solves the parking problem, but also increases resident satisfaction.   

allride provides simple, keyless access to a customised selection of electric 2- and 4-wheel mobility, as well as a digital booking platform, regular vehicle maintenance and reliable customer service.

Mobility for Property Development



The customised sharing offer for your property development


Benefit from our complete «Full Service» package, which we tailor to your needs. Together, we can make a contribution to sustainable development with climate-friendly mobility.

Full Service

The convenient and customised mobility solution.
allride takes care of everythingto do with the
mobility hub and customises it to your needs. The
multimodal sharing  solution minimises your efforts,
reduces the  parking space requirements and
increases satisfaction in your area or municipality.


+ Provision of electric vehicles  (2- and 4-wheelers)   

+ insurance, taxes, service, maintenance,   
Changing tyres, cleaning & checking vehicles   

+ Installation and set-up of hard- & software 
for the digitalisation of vehicles   

+ Provision of the allride app for the vehicle access

+ 24/7 support for users

Full Service
allride Contact

Interested? Contact our team today

We enable access to sustainable, individual and shared mobility.